Starting a Spiritual Journal


My spiritual journey has been about learning, discovering and communicating with the Divine Realm. Plus it is fun. I can always go back to my journal and add or scratch out information. I even drawn diagrams and other schematics during my note taking. I include snippets of how my day went, if I had an amazing dream even what I experienced while in meditation. It has been an amazing addition to my life.

You can use any kind of notebook, writing pad, even construction paper to start your journal. I generally use blue or black ink pen but incorporated colored pens, pencils, markers and highlighters. Sometimes I use stickers, post-its and page markers to decorate both the interior and exterior of the book. It is a special book for me. Kind of like a diary but on a personal level. What I mean is that I am connecting with the god within me, my inner being, my true self. Sometimes I also include my contacting angels or channeling higher entities. I can look back to track my progress. So far I have progressed in my results.

Another thing I include is spiritual numbers. I then write what that number means and how it relates to what I am currently going through. I noticed since I started my spiritual path that most of the time I glance around whether a clock, the receipt, even the bus number I see consistent number patterns. When I record this I can go back and see that these numbers consistently show up on a regular basis. Also I will include other synchronicities and what I once considered oddities. Now I know that a higher presence is trying to get my attention or send a message.

Right now I use a regular lined notebook for my current spiritual journal. It has helped me along my path and I use it as reference a lot of the time. It helps to learn more about this higher reality and gives me inspiration and motivation to continue discovering more about my new passion.

There are spiritual journals available. Amplify Yourself has a journal available on Amazon for purchase. Here is the link: Amplify Yourself Journal.